1002 The copy of America Online for Windows on your hard disk appears to be corrupted. Please re-install it. 1003 America Online for Windows was previously installed on your hard disk, but its files have been moved or deleted. Please re-install it. 1004 There is not enough free memory to run America Online for Windows at this time. 1005 This program has experienced a Miscellaneous Error. 1007 America Online for Windows cannot be found on disk. 1008 America Online for Windows will not run because you asked to cancel. 1012 A Keywork OR Url may be defined, but NOT both. 1013 The installed version of America Online does not have URL support. 1127 You have a newer version of America Online installed, than is compatible with this product. Would you like to install the supported version of America Online now? 1128 You do not have a recent version of America Online for Windows installed on your hard disk. Would you like to install a copy now? 1129 You don't have enough memory to run this application and America Online for Windows at the same time. Would you like to quit this application now and run America Online? 1130 You don't have enough free disk space to install America Online for Windows.